Thursday, 14 May 2020

Business Mindset Is Everything | IM Training Paradise

Success comes in different ways. There are those that fail many times, those that don’t follow a plan, and those who don’t realise that having a business mindset is everything. To achieve success quickly, your reliance on focus is not enough.

Your MINDSET is how you learn to accept that you will fail, you will maybe feel like giving up, but you know that to be a success in your business you have to be consistent and keep going.

Never Forget To Ask Questions

Some people may feel a little proud, but that isn’t something that will serve you, because if you feel that way you may feel stupid asking questions.

If you think it’s a stupid question you may hold back and think that you should already know that and be able to figure it out. It’s not often the case, so don’t be afraid to ask the question of your mentor, a group you’re in or anywhere you can get an answer.

You never know, someone else could have exactly the same dilemma and feel just like you did and therefore you have helped those people too by getting the answer.

What Kind of Business Does This Apply to?

The answer to that is quite simple — every business! What inspired this article was watching an interview with someone in the same group as I am. He openly said that he had struggled for 3 years and only recently started to see success. Why was that he was asked, and he replied “honestly, it was my mindset”.

This person is an affiliate marketer and he used to think that being successful was measured on how much money he made. He didn’t see the “bigger picture”! He realised that he must get back into the affiliate marketing space, but try doing something different.

What did he do? He started out with going back to basics. Then he saw what he was doing wrong. He wasn’t following the plan that led to his success. He began to think differently because he needed to connect with people so he could help them with their own problems. He knew there were people out there struggling in the same way as he was. He had no money to spend on paid ads, so he looked at ONE way to progress. He did this, changed his thought process and his results changed.

Now, he is an ordinary person, just like you and me. He isn’t superman or some kind of genius, he found a strategy he could use, started to use it, and followed the steps until it actually worked! He stayed consistent and began to get results to grow his income too. This took 8 weeks!

In short, not giving up for 3 years and doing things the wrong way saw NO results. When he set his mind to practicing the right ways to get results, he started to get them.

Why Business Mindset Is Everything…

Having a strong mind is a great attribute, but having a strong mind that is set in stone and not flexible serves no one. We can all be guilty of thinking we know best.

One thing we must all realise is that business people make products to help other people. A lot of these products are a revamp of another product and may not even be of great value.

Some of these products are marketed in such a way as they turn our heads and make us take notice of them. Are they good quality products? Most are not, but because the IDEA is enough to create something that appears “shiny and new”, we can all get sucked in.

My mentor says the obvious, but it’s often ignored, which is if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I have lost count of the products I have seen and thought “that will be useful” and bought it. Only to find out it is almost identical to something I already owned and tried and failed miserably with. There are no shortcuts to success, which is what the “Shiny objects” try to make us believe.

This is why having a strong will is so important. You need to stay consistent in your actions, keep yourself focused and know that having a business mindset is everything when you want to make progress in your business.

The interview was based on affiliate marketing and there has been a massive shift in making a success of it. Things have changed over the years so much and this is why I read and took notice of a book written by my mentor and friend Dean Holland. The book is called “The Iceberg Effect” and you can get it free of charge. You need to cover the cost of shipping and handling. The value this book will give you is immense and well worth the time to read it and possibly change your life.

Find out more about the book and get yours HERE.

Also, check out the interview HERE.

Originally published at

The original post, Business Mindset Is Everything | IM Training Paradise, is shared from via

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