Everyone that has a website needs one thing above all things — Traffic! Free traffic is preferred obviously, but not all free traffic is of the best quality. In this post I will discuss 7 free traffic sources that you can take advantage of. In fact, when used properly, it’s possible to get anything from 200 visitors per day to your site just from one source. The more you use, the more potential you have to get good traffic to your site.
What Are The 7 Free Traffic Sources?
The first in the sources of free traffic is News 360.
News 360 is a leading news aggregator website with mobile apps for both iPhone and Android. It works very well on almost every category ranging from technology to beauty tips.
What do you do to get visitors from news 360?
Go to their website and click the news 360 publisher program. When you go to create your account, be aware that they don’t accept publisher accounts that come from free email providers like Gmail etc. Be sure to use an email created for you using your website or blog. For example, yourname@yoursite.com. You have a better chance of being accepted when you do this. When you are accepted you will start to get traffic to your site.
Second in the list is Mix.com.
Mix.com is a new traffic source for bloggers and publishers that has essentially replaced Stumbleupon, which closed in 2018.
How do you drive traffic to your website using Mix.com? Step one, submit your blog post to mix.com. Step two, add your blog posts to collections. Step 3 follow other people and add their blog post to your collection. They will then check out your profile and see your posts too.
Third is Medium.com.
Medium is the one of the best free traffic sources. You can attract high quality traffic to your site by posting your site’s old content on medium.com. If you can add a few related article links in a medium blog post, it’s possible to get more traffic in less time.
Fourth — Flipboard.
Flipboard is a content aggregator platform. You can create an account as a publisher. After you have your account you can set up some Flipboard magazines. Next, download the Flipboard Chrome extension, which enables you to submit articles to Flipboard magazines. Flipboard has over 90 million users so you can get a free traffic when you’re active on this platform.
The fifth of the free traffic sources is Quora.
Quora is the well known question and answer answer platform. When you post good answers to people’s questions you can easily drive traffic to your site. Quora questions are often featured as number one or number two in Google search results, so many publishers generate thousands of visitors per month, All possible by answering niche relevant questions on Quora.
Next, and the sixth on the list is Reddit.
Reddit is still a popular choice for getting free traffic.
The best way to success in Reddit is to join sub-reddits based on topics related to your website content. Some sub-reddits do not allow link sharing so check out which ones allow it before you join. Take an active part in the discussions in sub-reddits and only share the best and most relevant content from your blog. When done effectively it’s very possible to get viral traffic.
Seventh and last on this list is Pinterest.
Pinterest is the easiest way to increase traffic to your website.
First of all, you need to create a Pinterest business account. In order to to drive traffic from Pinterest, you must make sure all your blog images are sized and optimised for the platform. Set up your Pinterest board names using relevant keywords. Consistency is key, so pin regularly so you can grow your followers and reach. Then, you will be able to get more traffic to your blog.
There are other ways to get traffic to your blog or website, but I have found that these 7 are the best free traffic sources to help drive thousands of visitors to your content. Have fun using them to get more free traffic to your site. Please feel free to comment below. Thank you.
Originally published at https://imtrainingparadise.com on November 28, 2019.
The original post, 7 Free Traffic Sources You Can Start Using Right Now! | IM Training Paradise, is shared from https://medium.com/@imtrainingparadise/7-free-traffic-sources-you-can-start-using-right-now-im-training-paradise-49957cbeb9ce?source=rss-c029ed7dab2d------2 via https://medium.com/@imtrainingparadise?source=rss-c029ed7dab2d------2
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